The curse of 2nd place has been broken
The past 2 weeks, we reached quite some final tables and the majority of them we managed to get to heads-up which is insane! But unfortunately, that’s also where the fun stopped, we lost 7 (!) heads-ups in a row. So it started to get to a point where you start asking yourself where it is going wrong. I felt like I was playing well till the heads-ups but also during the them! Yet, wasn’t able to finish them off. Looking at the highlights of those runs, well… think save to say that we didn’t run too great in all ins during the heads-ups haha! But that is out of your control, so I decided to take action, to make sure it was not my game lacking and after all there is always room for improvement. So I hit up my fellow partypoker Team Online member Patrick “iregption” Tardiff, who has quite some experience in heads-ups, to review with me some of the hands I played. This will also be uploaded to Youtube btw, most likely coming Saturday! It was a lot of fun reviewing hands with Patrick and it seemed like I played fairly solid, apart from 1 hand where I made a super nitty fold haha! But I was already aware of it after the hand ended, so it was all good. I was more worried that there were huge leaks that I wasn’t aware of. Nothing really stood out in the hands that we reviewed, so that's good.
How I broke the curse
Anyhow, today I managed to get heads-up in a $11 Bounty Hunter. I could feel the pressure of the chat, there was no way I was gonna lose 8 heads-up matches in a row, right?! Luckily it was indeed not the case. I was pretty relieved when I got that trophy, because at some point it was once again not looking too good. The whole day was rough actually, I got really tested. Every stack that I build evaporated, to bust just outside of the money. We stone cold final table and money bubbled the Bounty $109. I had a few twilight moments, where one moment I had 9 tables and a few minutes later 4. But I felt like I was playing well and I just needed to keep that focus. I noticed that one of the main reasons I got into those downward spirals sometimes, was due to lack of focus. Things going poorly, me splitting my attention between poker and streaming and due to that probably not playing to the best of my ability and then getting fed up with it. So right now as you know I introduced “Grind Mode”. It’s not a huge deal to be honest, it just gives me the approval kinda to sometimes not divide my attention and focus on the grind instead. I always felt bad about doing that, but actually.. It doesn’t harm the quality of the stream too much. It actually gives me time and room to recover, to then continue being the best version of myself. Super weird such a small thing can have a pretty big impact.
Content machine is warming up
I have been super happy with the infrastructure I have been creating, it allows me to be way more creative with posts again and also create way more. I’ve got multiple Youtube videos lined up and just released part 2 of the Vlog of Lex Live 2, which was edited by the first guy on the DW payroll: Acewithface! Super happy to work with him, give him an opportunity to do what he enjoys doing, so I am really looking forward to develop that relationship even more. When it comes to content, I started to create different formats of content, got some bangers of posts which I can’t wait to publish. Also got some ideas for new content, which I hope you will enjoy a lot and may also reach a broader audience. You might be waiting for that Youtube video I mentioned, I am afraid you may have to wait for it. It’s an idea for a community bankroll challenge, which should help sparkling people’s fire including mine. But lately I have been really enjoying the grind, even before we started to finish 2nd all the time, so don't really need any motivation currently. I am also motivated to study and get even better. I am loving the discussions that are happening in our Discord channel. It motivates me to continue to work hard and not fall behind. I have been saying this multiple times already, also on stream.. but.. once I start believing in my capabilities myself.. then we really start moving!